Medien: CNN

George W. Bush

He damaged the country

Former President George W. Bush about Edward Snowden and the legacy of his office. weiter...

Jürgen Klinsmann

I started that job knowing that I wouldn’t do everything right

CNN World Sport anchor Don Riddell interviewed German football coach Juergen Klinsmann. The following is a full transcript weiter...

Red Hot Chili Peppers

Milder with age?

The California band that first gained recognition for playing supercharged live shows clad only in strategically placed tube socks is weiter...

Claude Vorilhon

Cloning is just the beginning

Clonaid, a firm founded by members of a religious sect called the Raelians, said Friday it has developed the first human clone -- a 7-pound weiter...

Bill Gates

A one-on-one interview with Bill Gates

With Windows XP and its new video gaming system, Xbox, Microsoft is continuing to turn out best-selling products. James Hattori caught up weiter...

John Walker

the american taliban

Journalist Robert Young Pelton interviews American Taliban John Walker in Afghanistan (Part 1) weiter...

Tony Blair

We are all at risk

LONDON, England -- UK Prime Minister Tony Blair has told CNN that the international community gives its full backing to the fight "between weiter...

Paul Simon

Still writing, after all these years

Simon, who'll be 60 on October 13, recently rehearsed with his 11-piece touring band at a sound stage just blocks from the Brill Building, weiter...